Saturday, October 2, 2010

How do You Feel the time

"Time is the hour" is a classic joke the comedian, but the actual time that there can be felt in every person is different. There was a fleeting feeling of time and one felt very long time maybe even some that did not care about the time it slow or fast but not because he did not have a clock.

Old and faster time course can affect our activities, for example with a slow time of course we can do the job faster or produce more thinking for example like the folklore of the island of Java on Sewu completed in one night. According thought normal people would not be complete building a thousand temples in one night only, for which the need for time management in order to reach a thousand temples.

Technology can help us make the time to be slow, for example by climbing a very fast vehicle, the ancestor of Java people can slow down time as opposed to current technology, namely by tirakat or meditation so that the perceived time to be slow.

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