Monday, October 18, 2010

Bolang-Baling (Fried Bread) with simple recipes

Bread fried in Indonesia known as "bolang baling", in addition to nourishing the price is also cheap. Suffice it to prop up the stomach in during the afternoon, let alone the weather was cloudy so delicious. The following materials and how to make it:
Material A: 
- High protein wheat flour 500 grams -- Baking powder 6 grams -
Material B:- Sugar 75 grams -- Salt 5 grams -- Ammonia cake 6 grams -- Water 300 grams -
Topping:- Sugar- Sesame
How to cook:1. Mix the ingredients A and stir well.2. Mix ingredients B, stir until all ingredients dissolve.3. Mix the ingredients A and B ingredients, knead for 10 minutes until smooth.4. Allow the dough for 30 minutes, cover with plastic.5. Knead dough again for 5 minutes.6. Cover dough tightly with plastic and let stand for 14 hours.7. Mix sesame seeds and sugar and stir well.8. Take the dough, form a box or as desired. Brush the surface with water and then roll on top of sugar mixture and sesame.9. Fry in hot oil over 185 degrees Celsius until done.10. Serve.
For 20 pieces

Easy to make, any materials required must be in the supermarket. Not one to try it at home, may become a unique cooking experience.

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