Monday, October 18, 2010

Boyolali - Mount Merapi increased status from normal to alert

Communities around Mount Merapi is located in 3 districts namely Boyolali, Klaten and magelang already feeling the increased activity from Mount Merapi. Rumbling sound material has begun to be heard beginning at 1:00 morning.

This is confirmed by the statement of BPPTK Yogyakarta that records the number of volcanic earthquakes occurred in and shallow compared to the previous day, this day happened 24 times recorded shallow volcanic earthquake.

The UN has sent assistance through UNHCR to build a place of refuge for citizens of trim, as well as other international humanitarian agencies such as USAID and IOM will provide evacuation facilities in the form of opening roads and providing bags for evacuation. Extension of the evacuation has also been given to the residents around the trim, so that if Merapi erupts do not fall victim soul.

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