Monday, October 18, 2010

Instant noodles are produced in Indonesia is safe for consumption

With the large scale withdrawal of Indofood instant noodle product in Taiwan, this caused panic from consumers who ate instant noodles in Indonesia. But the panic did not last long after the agency in charge of food POM RI stated that the instant noodle products produced by Indofood is safe for consumption.

Head of Food and Drugs Supervisory Agency of Indonesia (BPOM) RI, Kustantinah states "The test results on the content of methyl p-hydroxybenzoate in 158 samples of soy sauce in instant noodles, is 96 samples containing methyl p-hydroxybenzoate did not exceed 250 mg / kg," the testing is performed in 21 provinces in Indonesia.

So for those of you who worried with instant noodle products from Indonesia, after learning the product withdrawal notice of instant noodles in Taiwan do not have to feel anxious. You can mengkonsusinya safely, and everything that is consumed by berlebiha certainly not good for health because our bodies will also have to receive nutrients food restriction limits.

Should we keep from consuming foods that contain lots of chemicals in excess, it is better to eat natural foods without chemicals and food preservatives.

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