Monday, October 18, 2010

Bolang-Baling (Fried Bread) with simple recipes

Bread fried in Indonesia known as "bolang baling", in addition to nourishing the price is also cheap. Suffice it to prop up the stomach in during the afternoon, let alone the weather was cloudy so delicious. The following materials and how to make it:
Material A: 
- High protein wheat flour 500 grams -- Baking powder 6 grams -
Material B:- Sugar 75 grams -- Salt 5 grams -- Ammonia cake 6 grams -- Water 300 grams -
Topping:- Sugar- Sesame
How to cook:1. Mix the ingredients A and stir well.2. Mix ingredients B, stir until all ingredients dissolve.3. Mix the ingredients A and B ingredients, knead for 10 minutes until smooth.4. Allow the dough for 30 minutes, cover with plastic.5. Knead dough again for 5 minutes.6. Cover dough tightly with plastic and let stand for 14 hours.7. Mix sesame seeds and sugar and stir well.8. Take the dough, form a box or as desired. Brush the surface with water and then roll on top of sugar mixture and sesame.9. Fry in hot oil over 185 degrees Celsius until done.10. Serve.
For 20 pieces

Easy to make, any materials required must be in the supermarket. Not one to try it at home, may become a unique cooking experience.

Do not get hit by a hammer twice

Our fingers would never hit a hammer, painful not to a small activity, but an injury. We are accustomed to ignoring the equipment's security in a simple job.Remember the slightest injury can be fatal, causing losses to ourselves and those around us. Standards knowledge in work safety devices must be present in every job.

Safety tools that must be met minimum such as goggles and gloves when work on the field plus shoes and helmets. Do not become the laughingstock of people if we get injured because of forgotten gloves when using a hammer, use the safety equipment was working despite the small jobs because it can avoid the occurrence of a fatal injury.

One village people can ride a skateboard together

California - which was remarkable idea to make a scene, what is not excited if the size of a skateboard is very large where the comparison is far from normal size. The size of this skateboard length reaches 12 meters high and 1.2 meters wide, 2.5 meters, to finish it took 1 month old.

Because so much is enough to ride one of the villages, maybe we are confused how to drive. It takes a good cooperation in order to drive it, even if it has to move on how to stop it. Let this be the entertainment giant skateboard in California.

Boyolali - Mount Merapi increased status from normal to alert

Communities around Mount Merapi is located in 3 districts namely Boyolali, Klaten and magelang already feeling the increased activity from Mount Merapi. Rumbling sound material has begun to be heard beginning at 1:00 morning.

This is confirmed by the statement of BPPTK Yogyakarta that records the number of volcanic earthquakes occurred in and shallow compared to the previous day, this day happened 24 times recorded shallow volcanic earthquake.

The UN has sent assistance through UNHCR to build a place of refuge for citizens of trim, as well as other international humanitarian agencies such as USAID and IOM will provide evacuation facilities in the form of opening roads and providing bags for evacuation. Extension of the evacuation has also been given to the residents around the trim, so that if Merapi erupts do not fall victim soul.

House rental is now a very promising business

House is one of basic needs, especially for those who are married. By having their own home will be happy, but if it is not to build their own homes rental home is the right choice for a stay of 1 to 5 years.

There are many options that can be used as rental housing options, ranging from simple to have complete facilities. Rental costs of comparable facilities acquired in addition to the location of the rental house.

The high price of land and buildings in metropolitan encourage the development of rental housing business in the suburbs. The location was in the middle of town is very expensive compared to prices in the suburbs.

But there are pros and cons, for rents in the city will be very expensive but close to the workplace and for home sewayang far from downtown rental costs will be smaller but we need more wasteful transportation costs.

So just choose which is more suited to the financial condition and the wishes of the family.

Instant noodles are produced in Indonesia is safe for consumption

With the large scale withdrawal of Indofood instant noodle product in Taiwan, this caused panic from consumers who ate instant noodles in Indonesia. But the panic did not last long after the agency in charge of food POM RI stated that the instant noodle products produced by Indofood is safe for consumption.

Head of Food and Drugs Supervisory Agency of Indonesia (BPOM) RI, Kustantinah states "The test results on the content of methyl p-hydroxybenzoate in 158 samples of soy sauce in instant noodles, is 96 samples containing methyl p-hydroxybenzoate did not exceed 250 mg / kg," the testing is performed in 21 provinces in Indonesia.

So for those of you who worried with instant noodle products from Indonesia, after learning the product withdrawal notice of instant noodles in Taiwan do not have to feel anxious. You can mengkonsusinya safely, and everything that is consumed by berlebiha certainly not good for health because our bodies will also have to receive nutrients food restriction limits.

Should we keep from consuming foods that contain lots of chemicals in excess, it is better to eat natural foods without chemicals and food preservatives.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Anyone can use the Assault Rifle Remington ACR / Masada

The first prototypes are shown to the public in 2007 in ShotShow, and known as Masada. This rifle was developed by American companies Magpul Industries, which focuses on after sales and firearm parts. Because of its modular suitable for use by anyone in any field. Masada / ACR rifle Bhusmaster been mass produced in late 2009.

MAGPUL Masada / Bushmaster ACR - Adaptive Combat Rifle diagram showing its modular design
Image © Bushmaster

MAGPUL Masada / Bushmaster ACR - Adaptive Combat Rifle in standard configuration, 2008 prototype

MAGPUL Masada / Bushmaster ACR - Adaptive Combat Rifle in Entry configuration with 12.5in barrel and side-folding stock.
Image © Magpul

MAGPUL Masada / Bushmaster ACR - Adaptive Combat Rifle in standard configuration with 16in barrel and side-folding stock
Image © Magpul

MAGPUL Masada / Bushmaster ACR - Adaptive Combat Rifle in SPR configuration, with 18.5in barrel and fixed adjustable 'sniper' stock
Image © Magpul

Data for Standard version
Type / action gas operated, rotating bolt
Caliber(s)  5.56x45 / .223 Rem, possibly others such as 7.62x39 M43
Weight unloaded 3.3 kg
Length 716 mm / 28.2" folded, 947 mm / 37.3" stock fully extended
Barrel length 406 mm / 16" (also 318mm / 12.5", 368mm / 14.5" and 457mm / 18")
Magazine capacity 30 rounds

How? a very powerful rifle. It is suitable to the need for war or defense, but do not get to commit crimes. Use any weapon to protect rather than threaten, it will make the environment safe. Crimes with firearms as easily get the gun and the wearer is not worth holding a weapon.