Monday, October 18, 2010

Bolang-Baling (Fried Bread) with simple recipes

Bread fried in Indonesia known as "bolang baling", in addition to nourishing the price is also cheap. Suffice it to prop up the stomach in during the afternoon, let alone the weather was cloudy so delicious. The following materials and how to make it:
Material A: 
- High protein wheat flour 500 grams -- Baking powder 6 grams -
Material B:- Sugar 75 grams -- Salt 5 grams -- Ammonia cake 6 grams -- Water 300 grams -
Topping:- Sugar- Sesame
How to cook:1. Mix the ingredients A and stir well.2. Mix ingredients B, stir until all ingredients dissolve.3. Mix the ingredients A and B ingredients, knead for 10 minutes until smooth.4. Allow the dough for 30 minutes, cover with plastic.5. Knead dough again for 5 minutes.6. Cover dough tightly with plastic and let stand for 14 hours.7. Mix sesame seeds and sugar and stir well.8. Take the dough, form a box or as desired. Brush the surface with water and then roll on top of sugar mixture and sesame.9. Fry in hot oil over 185 degrees Celsius until done.10. Serve.
For 20 pieces

Easy to make, any materials required must be in the supermarket. Not one to try it at home, may become a unique cooking experience.

Do not get hit by a hammer twice

Our fingers would never hit a hammer, painful not to a small activity, but an injury. We are accustomed to ignoring the equipment's security in a simple job.Remember the slightest injury can be fatal, causing losses to ourselves and those around us. Standards knowledge in work safety devices must be present in every job.

Safety tools that must be met minimum such as goggles and gloves when work on the field plus shoes and helmets. Do not become the laughingstock of people if we get injured because of forgotten gloves when using a hammer, use the safety equipment was working despite the small jobs because it can avoid the occurrence of a fatal injury.

One village people can ride a skateboard together

California - which was remarkable idea to make a scene, what is not excited if the size of a skateboard is very large where the comparison is far from normal size. The size of this skateboard length reaches 12 meters high and 1.2 meters wide, 2.5 meters, to finish it took 1 month old.

Because so much is enough to ride one of the villages, maybe we are confused how to drive. It takes a good cooperation in order to drive it, even if it has to move on how to stop it. Let this be the entertainment giant skateboard in California.

Boyolali - Mount Merapi increased status from normal to alert

Communities around Mount Merapi is located in 3 districts namely Boyolali, Klaten and magelang already feeling the increased activity from Mount Merapi. Rumbling sound material has begun to be heard beginning at 1:00 morning.

This is confirmed by the statement of BPPTK Yogyakarta that records the number of volcanic earthquakes occurred in and shallow compared to the previous day, this day happened 24 times recorded shallow volcanic earthquake.

The UN has sent assistance through UNHCR to build a place of refuge for citizens of trim, as well as other international humanitarian agencies such as USAID and IOM will provide evacuation facilities in the form of opening roads and providing bags for evacuation. Extension of the evacuation has also been given to the residents around the trim, so that if Merapi erupts do not fall victim soul.

House rental is now a very promising business

House is one of basic needs, especially for those who are married. By having their own home will be happy, but if it is not to build their own homes rental home is the right choice for a stay of 1 to 5 years.

There are many options that can be used as rental housing options, ranging from simple to have complete facilities. Rental costs of comparable facilities acquired in addition to the location of the rental house.

The high price of land and buildings in metropolitan encourage the development of rental housing business in the suburbs. The location was in the middle of town is very expensive compared to prices in the suburbs.

But there are pros and cons, for rents in the city will be very expensive but close to the workplace and for home sewayang far from downtown rental costs will be smaller but we need more wasteful transportation costs.

So just choose which is more suited to the financial condition and the wishes of the family.

Instant noodles are produced in Indonesia is safe for consumption

With the large scale withdrawal of Indofood instant noodle product in Taiwan, this caused panic from consumers who ate instant noodles in Indonesia. But the panic did not last long after the agency in charge of food POM RI stated that the instant noodle products produced by Indofood is safe for consumption.

Head of Food and Drugs Supervisory Agency of Indonesia (BPOM) RI, Kustantinah states "The test results on the content of methyl p-hydroxybenzoate in 158 samples of soy sauce in instant noodles, is 96 samples containing methyl p-hydroxybenzoate did not exceed 250 mg / kg," the testing is performed in 21 provinces in Indonesia.

So for those of you who worried with instant noodle products from Indonesia, after learning the product withdrawal notice of instant noodles in Taiwan do not have to feel anxious. You can mengkonsusinya safely, and everything that is consumed by berlebiha certainly not good for health because our bodies will also have to receive nutrients food restriction limits.

Should we keep from consuming foods that contain lots of chemicals in excess, it is better to eat natural foods without chemicals and food preservatives.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Anyone can use the Assault Rifle Remington ACR / Masada

The first prototypes are shown to the public in 2007 in ShotShow, and known as Masada. This rifle was developed by American companies Magpul Industries, which focuses on after sales and firearm parts. Because of its modular suitable for use by anyone in any field. Masada / ACR rifle Bhusmaster been mass produced in late 2009.

MAGPUL Masada / Bushmaster ACR - Adaptive Combat Rifle diagram showing its modular design
Image © Bushmaster

MAGPUL Masada / Bushmaster ACR - Adaptive Combat Rifle in standard configuration, 2008 prototype

MAGPUL Masada / Bushmaster ACR - Adaptive Combat Rifle in Entry configuration with 12.5in barrel and side-folding stock.
Image © Magpul

MAGPUL Masada / Bushmaster ACR - Adaptive Combat Rifle in standard configuration with 16in barrel and side-folding stock
Image © Magpul

MAGPUL Masada / Bushmaster ACR - Adaptive Combat Rifle in SPR configuration, with 18.5in barrel and fixed adjustable 'sniper' stock
Image © Magpul

Data for Standard version
Type / action gas operated, rotating bolt
Caliber(s)  5.56x45 / .223 Rem, possibly others such as 7.62x39 M43
Weight unloaded 3.3 kg
Length 716 mm / 28.2" folded, 947 mm / 37.3" stock fully extended
Barrel length 406 mm / 16" (also 318mm / 12.5", 368mm / 14.5" and 457mm / 18")
Magazine capacity 30 rounds

How? a very powerful rifle. It is suitable to the need for war or defense, but do not get to commit crimes. Use any weapon to protect rather than threaten, it will make the environment safe. Crimes with firearms as easily get the gun and the wearer is not worth holding a weapon.


Try CarTown Game on Facebook

Cartown is a game created by Cie studio to play on social networking sites.You can choose the kinds of cars according to taste, want to select the type of sports cars or trucks. Cars can use to match your favorite car for drag or car beauty competition. due to be played on your social networking sites to recruit employees from your friends, then ordered them to conduct appropriate activities such as an auto repair professional. Adjust your place by painting walls, buying nice furniture, personalized your avatar, and of course fill it with your favorite car. Join the facebook to play it, hopefully to entertain and relieve stress.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Satria Muda Britama vs Thailand Slammers

Jakarta Saturday (16/10/2010) night basketball game between Satria Muda Britama against Thailand's Slammers in the ABL this season event held tight, but eventually Thailand Slamers won over Satria Muda Britama.Thailand Slamers win with numbers far enough from the Satria Muda Britama 83-64. Tonight Satria Muda Britama played badly at home, so the game is dominated by the visitors.In the next match Satria Muda Britama will compete with Brunei Barracudas, in order to win in next week's match Satria Muda Britama have played better than the game tonight.

Blue Sky of Mars

Photo to the left is a version of NASA, and on the right is a photo Nasa has done color correction. From the picture looks blue sky, whether it can prove to habitable planet mars. If it can live means there may have a life, where we are not alone in this solar.

What is the only NASA has conducted exploration on mars? yes, we've never heard of another country to explore mars. This makes the data data which can be proved only data data released by NASA alone, keep in mind when NASA held a press conference that the background screen is masrs planet with blue skies.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Enlarge your house with glue

Large and spacious house is very comfortable, especially if the construction and maintenance costs low. You can enlarge your house with glue, glue anything to match the material to be used to enlarge your home. In enlarging the house can be finely tuned physical and non physical, if physically by increasing the building area of the home and in non-physically able to perform as though the decor will look wider.

Ukulele nicely played by four years old Boy

Lance is 4yrs old played ukulele for Louis Armstrong Album

Two Cockpit crew in the history pioneered by the Indonesian People

January 18, 1983
"It is Mr. Forward facing Wiweko who gave birth to two crew Cockpit Crew. We are proud that the aircraft of this type have used ideas derived from the mind of a son of Indonesia, combined with new modern technology, which uses a 'push button illuminated switches' and the 'digital'. Two-crew cockpit has become a reality, and I believe that the 'Garuda Design' This will be an option for all airlines. "
Fritz Winkelmann, Sales Manager for the Far East, Airbus Industrie

Anti-tank guided missile

Anti-tank missiles are missiles that function primarily to destroy tanks or other armored vehicles. Anti-tank missile, the first generation such as AG-3 Sagger controlled using the joystick. Anti-tank missile, the second generation such as BGM-71 TOW and Hellfire AGM-114 using a radio, a laser marker or a camera at the end of the missile. Anti-tank missile, the third generation such as FGM-148 Javelin US-made and artificial Nag India is of the type of "fire and forget". Nag uses infrared and millimeter wave tracking.

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Naruto Manga Chapter 513 Page 02/17

Naruto Manga Chapter 513 Page 01/17 "Kabuto vs tusuchikage"

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Night Vision Navigation

This technology incorporates a combination of night vision and navigational use of lasers to illuminate the road if the road could not be seen clearly (foggy). Infrared cameras in their vehicles to identify where the road ends and the laser will "show images" on the glass front of the driver.

This system also can identify the animals or pedestrians that are not visible to the naked eye. These lasers can even highlight the speed limit signs.

Collision Warning with Brake Support

This technology helps the driver to avoid collision with a car in front. Radar sensors can detect the slow-moving vehicle in front and send a signal "visual heads-up" and warnings to alert drivers of the risk of collision.If the driver does not react quickly or reflexes, this system can even activate the brakes automatically. This system exists in some high-end cars, like Mercedes E-class, but also available in Ford Taurus 2010.

Italy Vs Serbia Match Suspended - Euro 2012 Qualifier

Fans started fighting and unrest in Italy during Euro 2010 qualification, conditions not conducive to such a postponed match on 10/12/2010. Of course this is very disappointing the audience who wants to watch the match.

The First Chilean Miner Is Rescued

Florencio Avalos was the first to be saved through the capsule, after it gets above was greeted by the president of chile.

Cheat Engine 5.6 [Newest version]

Cheat Engine 5.6 [Newest version] | 9.46Mb | Download

Read before download: Cheat engine is for educational purposes only. Before you attach Cheat Engine to a process, please make sure that you are not violating the EULA/TOS of the specific game/application. does not condone the illegal use of Cheat Engine

Cheat Engine 5.6
Note: Some anti-virus programs mistakenly pick up parts of Cheat Engine as a trojan/virus. It''s best to disable your anti-virus before installing or running Cheat Engine

January 31th 2010: Cheat Engine 5.6 Released
And again, I failed to update versions inbetween...(mainly having to do with dealing with a new dissaster every month). Of course, those that compiled the svn sourcecode did get to enjoy the new stuff earlier
Anyhow, version 5.6 is finally released and it has some neat features and opens several new possibilities for plugins to do some neat stuff
link: Cheat Engine 5.6

# Removed stealthmode. (Someone could make a plugin for this, one probably more advanced than the old one)
# Pointerscanner speed has been increased a lot
# New Icon (thanks to Phox from the forum)
# The pointerscanner can now scan for values
# The pointerscanner now lets you specify an offset list that it has to end with.
# Removed the injected pointerscanner
# The auto assembler now supports code outside of [enable] and [disable] sections so it affects both
# Resultcount is now comma seperated (thanks to infinito)
# New kernelmode debugger
# Added the ability to offload the current OS to dbvm (if your cpu supports it)
# The driver is now 64-bit compatible. (You will have to sign it yourself, or reboot with unsigned driver support)
# Rewrote the disassemblerview
# Deleting addresses from a scanresult is now a bit faster
# Changed the hotkey handler to be more controllable
# New heaplist that works based on dll injection instead of toolhelp32
# Dissectcode now helps finding referenced strings
# Added a new Auto assembler command "aobscan(varname, arrayofbyte)"
# Added a new Auto assembler command "assert(address, arrayofbyte)" which will make a script fail if the bytes aren''t what they should be
# Dissect data now works with offsets instead of sizes
# Added the ability to follow pointers easily with Dissect Data
# There''s now a stacktrace visible during debugging (2 different types)
# The registerview is gone as long as you''re not debugging
# CE now suppresses the "No disk" message when the systems searchpath is invalid
# Added a common modulelist to the ce folder that you can edit. Include files that you do NOT want to go through when doing memory inspection
# You can now open another pointerscanner window while another pointerscan is running and read the results.
# The pointerscanner can now also scan for values
# Added a string reference windows
# Improved the plugin system:
# You can now add auto assembler commands
# You can now get a callback when the disassembler is being rendered
# You can now add a plugin item to the context of the disassemler
# etc...
# Added (float)#, (double)# and (int)# support to the assembler, (double) is mainly usable in combination with the new DQ command though

# Fix mov [reg],reg disassembly when a 16-bit prefix is used
# Fixed some floating point assembler instructions
# Taborder fix for "Value between scan" (infinito)
# Fixed the Auto assembler code injection template with regard to the "Alt:" line
# Jmp FAR instruction not shown properly in the disassembler
# Fixed disassembler instructions that had a rep/repe prefix while they shouldn''t
# Fixed xorps instruction
# Fixed assembler where segment registers are used
# Fixed rm32,imm16 notations getting dowsized to rm32,imm8 while they should go rm32,imm32
# Fixed hang when setting the window on top and then doing a scan
# Fixed FILD qword instruction
# Fixed FNSTSW AX instruction
# Fixed FCOM instruction
# Fixed IMUL,0a instruction
# Fixed broken alt-key when the disassemblerview is focused
# Fixed the bug where removing a assigned hotkey to a cheat table didn''t work
# Fixed the floating point panel. It now actually shows the floating point values...
# Fixed several bugs in the Dissect Data window
# Several gui fixes for high dpi system

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Bumblebee Camaro crashed

Bumblebee Camaro crashed into a police car was responding to an emergency call, it turns out the police car entered the area shooting the movie Transformer 3 and is not part of the film's scenario. The price of a 2010 Camaro It starts at $ 22.995 MSRP for the V-6-powered LS model, and $ 30.995 for the V-8-powered Camaro SS (all prices include $ 750 destination charge). Customer ordering opened on Oct.. 13, with production scheduled to start in first quarter of 2009.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Adobe Photoshop CS5 (Portable)

Photoshop CS5 photographers have access to a function of the new generation to create images with high dynamic range (HDR). Combining pictures with different exposures in one HDR-image, Photoshop CS5 accurately retains the full range of key scenes. New technology allows the HDR Pro to eliminate spurious distortions and provides more precise control of the tone mapping. With features HDR rendering, users can simulate HDR-images using a single image, claim the developers.

In addition, Photoshop CS5 includes revolutionary tools to enhance the creative potential of users. Brand new drawing tools include a tool Mixer Brush, who mixes an infinite number of colors on one brush tool Bristle Tips, creating the effect of this smear brush. With Puppet Warp tool, users can change the position or view of any element of the image, for example, straightened his bent arm on the photos or adjust an image of the landscape to create a new spatial perspective.

OS: Windows XP, Vista, 7
Language: English
The medicine: not required
Size: 122.75 MB 

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Google Street View menampilkan mayat

Kalau kita dapat melihat lihat photo di seluruh dunia dengan dengan tidak perlu pergi kesana tentu akan mengasyikkan bukan, tidak keluar duit tapi bisa seperti jalan jalan keliling dunia. Itu ada vasilitas dari goole dengan merek dagang "google street view", anda cukup klik saja dapat melihat bangunan dan jalan disana. Apa jadinya kalau di jalan jalannya ada mayat tentu akan beda kondisinya, hal itu yang membuat google bekerja keras untuk menghapus photo photo yang di komplain karena terlalu DP/mengerikan.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

AVG Anti-Virus Free Edition 9.0.851

Antivirus basic dan proteksi antispyware untuk Windows. Perbaikan termasuk scan lebih cepat, waktu boot yang lebih cepat dan LinkScanner. Jika Anda ingin software anti-virus tanpa tambahan dan bebas biaya ini adalah antivirus yang harus Anda dapatkan.


Mega manajer adalah aplikasi mandiri Windows client untuk Megaupload dan download accelerator generik yang  diberikan kepada pengguna Mega upload secara gratis. Anda tidak perlu membeli account premium atau bahkan mendaftar untuk menggunakannya. Beberapa fitur adalah sebagai berikut: upload yang tinggidan download, melanjutkan download yang terputus, file manager yang terintegrasi dan download accelerator generik. Anda dapat mendownload beberapa file dalam satu klik mouse, unlimited download batch tanpa pengawasan dan banyak lagi bagi pengguna premium.

Mega Manager is a standalone Windows client application for Megaupload and a generic download accelerator that we provide to our users free of charge. You don't have to buy a premium account or even register to use it. Some of the features are as follows: powerful uploading and downloading, resume broken downloads, integrated file manager and generic download accelerator. You can download any number of files in a single mouse click, unlimited unattended batch downloads and a lot more for premium users.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Secret Mobile Codes

BenQ-Siemens Secret Codes

Software version:
to see more info, press softkey again
English menu:
Deutsch menu:

LG Secret Codes

LG all models test mode: Type 2945#*# on the main screen.
2945*#01*# Secret menu for LG
IMEI (ALL): *#06#
IMEI and SW (LG 510): *#07#
Software version (LG B1200): *8375#
Recount cheksum (LG B1200): *6861#
Factory test (B1200): #PWR 668
Simlock menu (LG B1200): 1945#*5101#
Simlock menu (LG 510W, 5200): 2945#*5101#
Simlock menu (LG 7020, 7010): 2945#*70001#

Samsung Secret Codes

Software version: *#9999#
IMEI number: *#06#
Serial number: *#0001#
Battery status- Memory capacity : *#9998*246#
Debug screen: *#9998*324# - *#8999*324#
LCD kontrast: *#9998*523#

Motorola Secret Codes

IMEI number:
Code to lock keys. Press together *7
Note: [] (pause) means the * key held in until box appears.
Select phone line - (use this to write things below the provider name):
[] [] [] 0 0 8 [] 1 []
Add phonebook to main menu:
[] [] [] 1 0 5 [] 1 []
Add messages to main menu:
[] […]

Sony Ericsson Secret Codes

Sony Ericsson Secret Menu: -> * <- <- * <- *
(-> means press joystick, arrow keys or jogdial to the right and <- means left.)
You’ll see phone model, software info, IMEI, configuration info, sim lock status, REAL time clock, total call time and text labels.
You can also test your phones services and hardware from this […]

 Nokia Secret Codes

On the main screen type
*#06# for checking the IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity).
*#7780# reset to factory settings.
*#67705646# This will clear the LCD display(operator logo).
*#0000# To view software version.
*#2820# Bluetooth device address.
*#746025625# Sim clock allowed status.
*#62209526# - Display the MAC address of the WLAN adapter. This is available only in the newer devices that supports WLAN […]

General Nokia 8810 Secrets Codes

IMEI number
Software Version

more for nokia

Spelling out the word HELP you get customer service, kinda cool

more of nokia

On the main screen type

*#06# for checking the IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity).

*#7780# reset to factory settings.

*#67705646# This will clear the LCD display(operator logo).

*#0000# To view software version.

*#2820# Bluetooth device address.

*#746025625# Sim clock allowed status.

*#62209526# - Display the MAC address of the WLAN adapter. This is available only in the newer devices that supports WLAN like N80

#pw+1234567890+1# Shows if sim have restrictions.

*#92702689# - takes you to a secret menu where you may find some of the information below:

1. Displays Serial Number.

2. Displays the Month and Year of Manufacture

3. Displays (if there) the date where the phone was purchased (MMYY)

4. Displays the date of the last repair - if found (0000)

5. Shows life timer of phone (time passes since last start)

*#3370# - Enhanced Full Rate Codec (EFR) activation. Increase signal strength, better signal reception. It also help if u want to use GPRS and the service is not responding or too slow. Phone battery will drain faster though.

*#3370* - (EFR) deactivation. Phone will automatically restart. Increase battery life by 30% because phone receives less signal from network.

*#4720# - Half Rate Codec activation.

*#4720* - Half Rate Codec deactivation. The phone will automatically restart

If you forgot wallet code for Nokia S60 phone, use this code reset: *#7370925538#
Note, your data in the wallet will be erased. Phone will ask you the lock code. Default lock code is: 12345

Press *#3925538# to delete the contents and code of wallet.

*#7328748263373738# resets security code.

Default security code is 12345

Unlock service provider: Insert sim, turn phone on and press vol up(arrow keys) for 3 seconds, should say pin code. Press C,then press * message should flash, press * again and 04*pin*pin*pin#

Change closed caller group (settings >security settings>user groups) to 00000 and ure phone will sound the message tone when you are near a radar speed trap. Setting it to 500 will cause your phone 2 set off security alarms at shop exits, gr8 for practical jokes! (works with some of the Nokia phones.)

Press and hold “0″ on the main screen to open wap browser.

NAM programm menu

More Benq stuff

*12022243121 is code for old Siemens model, like C35, M35 , S35 etc.
That code not working with BenQ-Siemens model.
Also you can change language in Siemens and BenQ-Siemens to any language( if you have that language support in mobile phone, of course) if you put between *# and # your country code with zeros before country code (zeros and counry code must have together four digits).
When you use code for language that not support language in mobile phones turn to automatic.
*#0033# french
*#0385# croatian
*#0030# greek
*#0039# italien etc.

Here's a couple of extras for you - apologies for any reposts


IMEI number: * # 0 6 #
Software version: * # 0 6 #
Net Monitor: 0 0 0 0 0 0 *


IMEI number: * # 0 6 #
Default Language: * # 0 0 0 0 #
Net Monitor: * # 3 2 6 2 2 5 5 * 8 3 7 8 # #


IMEI number: * # 0 6 #
Software version: * # 9 9 9 9 #
SIM card serial number: * # 9 9 9 4 #
Information about battery status: * # 9 9 9 0 #
Selftest (only Dancall HP2731): * # 9 9 9 7 #
Show version configuration: * # 9 9 9 8 #
Net Monitor: * # 9 9 9 3 #

Sony Ericsson
IMEI number: * # 0 6 #
Software version: > * < < * < *
Default Language: < 0 0 0 0 >
Enter to phone menu without SimCard - after Wrong PIN: press NO: * * 0 4 * 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 #
Information about SIMLOCK: < * * <

IMEI number: * # 0 6 #
Net Monitor ON: * * * 1 1 3 * 1 * [OK]
Net Monitor OFF: * * * 1 1 3 * 1 * [OK] * - press this until box shown up


IMEI number: * # 0 6 #
Software version: * # 0 0 0 0 #
Lub * # 9 9 9 9 #
Simlock info: * # 9 2 7 0 2 6 8 9 #
Enhanced Full Rate: * 3 3 7 0 # [ # 3 3 7 0 # off]
Half Rate: * 4 7 2 0 #
Provider lock status: # p w + 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 + 1
Network lock status: # p w + 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 + 2
Provider lock status: # p w + 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 + 3
SimCard lock status: # p w + 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 + 4 1234567890 -
MasterCode which is generated from IMEI *#92702689# [*#war0anty#] Warranty code.


IMEI number: * # 0 6 #
Simlock info: * # 8 3 7 7 #
Security code: * # 1 2 3 4 # (Fizz) or * # 7 4 8 9 #

Samsung (Most models)

IMEI number: * # 0 6 #
Software version: * # 9 9 9 9 #
Albo* # 0 8 3 7 #
Net Monitor: * # 0 3 2 4 #
Changing LCD contrast: * # 0 5 2 3 #
Memory info: * # 0 3 7 7 #
Albo * # 0 2 4 6 #
Reset CUSTOM memory: * 2 7 6 7 * 2 8 7 8 #
Battery state: * # 9 9 9 8 * 2 2 8 #
Alarm beeper: * # 9 9 9 8 * 2 8 9 #
Vibra test: * # 9 9 9 8 * 8 4 2 #

Samsung (T100 Specific Codes)

Battery status (capacity, voltage, temperature): * # 8 9 9 9 * 2 2 8 #
Program status: * # 8 9 9 9 * 2 4 6 #
Change Alarm Buzzer Frequency: * # 8 9 9 9 * 2 8 9 #
Debug screens: * # 8 9 9 9 * 3 2 4 #
Watchdog: * # 8 9 9 9 * 3 6 4 #
EEPROM Error Stack: * # 8 9 9 9 * 3 7 7 #
Trace Watchdog: * # 8 9 9 9 * 4 2 7 #
Change LCD contrast: * # 8 9 9 9 * 5 2 3 #
Jig detect: * # 8 9 9 9 * 5 4 4 #
Memory status: * # 8 9 9 9 * 6 3 6 #
SIM File Size: * # 8 9 9 9 * 7 4 6 #
SIM Service Table: * # 8 9 9 9 * 7 7 8 #
RTK (Run Time Kernel) errors: * # 8 9 9 9 * 7 8 5 #
Run, Last UP, Last DOWN: * # 8 9 9 9 * 7 8 6 #
Software Version: * # 8 9 9 9 * 8 3 7 #
Test Vibrator: * # 8 9 9 9 * 8 4 2 #
Vocoder Reg: * # 8 9 9 9 * 8 6 2 #
Diag: * # 8 9 9 9 * 8 7 2 #
Reset On Fatal Error: * # 8 9 9 9 * 9 4 7 #
Last/Chk: * # 8 9 9 9 * 9 9 9 #9 9 * 9 9 9 #


IMEI number: * # 0 6 #
Service Menu access: MENU 5 1 1 #


IMEI number: * # 0 6 #
Software version: Take out SIM & enter: * # 0 6 # (& press LONG KEY)
Bonus screen: in phone book: + 1 2 0 2 2 2 4 3 1 2 1
Net Monitor (S4 Power):
Menu 9 8, left SoftKey, 7 6 8 4 6 6 6, Read phone, Menu 5 6


IMEI number: * # 0 6 #
Software version: * # 8 3 7 7 4 6 6 #
Show list of product creator names: + 1 2 0 2 2 2 4 3 1 2 1


IMEI number: * # 0 6 #
Software version: > * < < * < *
Default Language: < 0 0 0 0 >
Enter to phone menu without SimCard - after Wrong PIN: press NO: * * 0 4 * 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 #
Information about SIMLOCK: < * * <

 Code Description
*#06# Display the IMEI (GSM standard)
*#0000# Display the firmware version and date
*#bta0# Display the Bluetooth MAC address (models with build-in Bluetooth radio, activate first to show address)
*#mac0wlan# Display the WLAN MAC address (models with build-in Wi-fi radio)
*#opr0logo# Clear the operator logo (3310 and 3330 only)
*#pca0# Activate the GPRS PCCCH support (early GPRS models)
*#pcd0# Deactivate the GPRS PCCCH support (early GPRS models)
*#res0wallet# Reset the mobile wallet (models with mobile wallet)
*#res0# Soft-format the memory (Symbian models only)
*#rst0# Reset to factory defaults, confirmation required (DCT4 or newer)
*#sim0clock# Display the SIM clock status (DCT3 only)
*#ssn0# Display the manufacturing serial number (mid-range and premium, non-Symbian models, and those devired from them)
*#war0anty# Display the manufacturing and repair info (no exit on DCT3)
*efr0# Enable EFR encoding (pre-2003 models)
#efr0# Disable EFR encoding (pre-2003 models)
*hra0# Enable HR encoding (pre-2003 models)
#hra0# Disable HR encoding (pre-2003 models)
#pw+1234567890+n# Display the SIM lock status: (pre-2003 models)
n = 1: provider lock
n = 2: network lock
n = 3: country lock
n = 4: SIM lock

>>>>>>>>>> MOBILE UNLOCK CHEAT CODE <<<<<<<<<<


*#06# IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity) information
*#0000# 1st Line: software version. 2nd line: date of software release. 3rd line: phone type
*#746025625# Checks if the SIM clock can be stopped. It is a kind of standby mode that will save battery. However,

the clock automatically gets activated when the phone is switched off and on
*#92702689# Here is a big one! A menu will come up with six choices. First, it’ll display the serial number. Second,

the month and year of manufacture. Third, the date of purchase. Fourth, the last repair date. Fifth, the option to

transfer user data if you have the hardware for it. Sixth, the number of hours the phone has been on. Some of these

dates might not be displayed if the information doesn’t exist
*3370# Enhanced Full Rate (EFR) codec activation
#3370# EFR codec deactivation
*4370# Half Rate codec activation
#4730# Half Rate codec deactivation

EFR gives better voice quality compared to the half rate codec, but can cut down on the battery life. Your phone

will automatically restart after you feed in any of the above codecs

xx# Here is a harmless little one. This will automatically display the number at the ‘xx’ position in your phone book



*#06# Displays IMEI
[][][] 119 [] 1 [] OK Enable EFR
[][][] 119 [] 0 [] OK Disable EFR

Samsung SGH-2100/600


*#06# Displays IMEI
*#9999# Software version
*#0324# Technical menu
*#0523# Lets you adjust the screen contrast
*#0228# Battery status (capacity, voltage, temperature

Sharp Secret Codes

*01763*8371# (*01763*VER0#) — Firmware Version.
*01763*3641# (*01763*ENG1#) — Enable Engineer Mode hold pwr key to leave then disable.
*01763*3640# (*01763*ENG0#) — Disable Engineer Mode.
*01763*8781# (*01763*TST1#) — Test #1 (test early wdt looping to dump, need to remove battery from phone)
*01763*8782# (*01763*TST2#) — Test #2 (test irq dis looping to switch, resets itself)

300 Secret Recipes of Big Name Franchise Restaurants

Recipes of big restaurant franchises such as McDonald’s, KFC, Burger King, Boston Kitchen, Pollo Loco, Mrs. Field’s, Red Lobster, Hard Rock Café, Outback Steakhouse, etc.

Example :
KC Masterpiece' s Chocolate Peanut Butter Ice Cream Pie

15 chocolate sandwich cookies
1/2 cup dry roasted peanuts
vegetable cooking spray
4 tablespoons butter or margarine
3 quarts chocolate ice cream
(7) 1.8 ounce packages milk chocolate covered peanut butter cups
(1) 8 ounce jar milk chocolate fudge topping
1/4 cup strong brewed coffee
2 tablespoons coffee flavored liqueur

Preheat oven to 400 degrees. In a food processor or blender,
 blend chocolate sandwich cookies and peanuts until finely chopped.
 Spray 9-inch pie plate with vegetable cooking spray. Reserve 1
 tablespoon cookie mixture for garnish. In pie plate, mix butter
 or margarine and remaining cookie mixture by hand. Press mixture
 onto bottom and up side of pie plate. Bake 8 minutes. Cool crust
 completely on wire rack.

Download Size 248.82 KB

Table Tennis Rules

The Table

The surface of the table, known as the playing surface, is rectangular, 2.74m (9ft) long and 1.525m (5ft) wide, and lies in a horizontal plane 76cm (2ft 6in) from the floor. The playing surface does not include the sides of the tabletop. 

The Net Assembly

The top of the net, along its whole length, is 15.25cm (6in) high.

The Ball

The ball is made of celluloid or similar plastics material and can be white or orange. The diameter of the ball is 40mm. This was changed from 38mm in the year 2000.

The Racket

The racket can be any size, shape or weight. The surface material covering the wood must be bright red on one side and black on the other.


A player hits the ball if they touch it in play with their racket held in the hand, or with the racket-hand below the wrist

The Choice of Serving, Receiving and Ends

  • The right to choose the initial order of serving, receiving and ends is decided by lot and the winner may choose to serve or to receive first or to start at a particular end.
  • When one player or pair has chosen to serve or receive first or to start at a particular end, the other player or pair has the other choice.
  • After each 2 points have been scored the receiving player or pair becomes the serving player or pair and so on until the end of the game, unless both players or pairs have scored 10 points when the sequences of serving and receiving are the same but each player serves only 1 point in turn.

Changing Ends and Changing Order in Doubles

Ends are changed at the conclusion of each game or when one player or pair reaches 5 points in the deciding game. In doubles at each change of ends, and in the deciding games, the order is also reversed. In the deciding game this is done by the receivers changing positions.

A Good Service

  • At the start of service the ball must be resting freely on the stationary open palm of the server's free hand, behind the end line and above the level of the playing surface.
  • The server must then throw the ball almost vertically up, without imparting spin, so that it rises at least 16cm after leaving the palm of the free hand and then falls without touching anything before being hit.
  • As the ball is falling the server hits it so that it touches his court first and then, after passing over or around the net assembly, touches the receiver's court.
  • The ball must be above the level of the playing surface and it shall not be hidden from the receiver during the serve.
  • The ball must be hit from behind the server's end line.

A Good Return

The ball, after being served or returned, must be hit so that it passes over or around the net assembly and touches the opponent's court, either directly or after touching the net assembly.


  • In doubles, the server must first make a good service, the receiver must then make a good return. All players must take it in turns to hit the ball.
  • When serving in doubles, the ball must touch successively the right half court of server and receiver.
  • In each game of a doubles match, the pair who serves first will choose which of them will do so, and in the first game of a match the receiving pair will decide which of them will receive first; in subsequent games of the match, when the first server has been chosen, the first receiver is the player who served to him in the preceding game.
  • In doubles, at each change of service the previous receiver becomes the server and the partner of the previous server becomes the receiver.

A Point

Unless the rally is a let, a player scores a point
  • if his opponent fails to make a good service
  • if his opponent fails to make a good return
  • if the ball, after he has served or returned it, touches anything other than the net assembly before being hit by his opponent
  • if the ball after his opponent has hit it, passes over his end line without having touched his court
  • if his opponent obstructs the ball ie. if he, or anything he wears or carries, touches it in play when it is above or traveling toward the playing surface, and has not passed beyond his end line, not having touched his court since last being hit by his opponent
  • if his opponent, or anything his opponent wears or carries, moves the playing surface
  • if his opponent, or anything his opponent wears or carries, touches the net assembly
  • if his opponent's free hand touches the playing surface
  • in doubles if his opponent hits the ball out of sequence

A Game

A game is won by the player or pair who scores 11 points unless both players or pairs score 10 points, then the game is won by the player or pair that leads by two points. (i.e. 12 – 10 or 13 - 11 etc)

A Match

  • A match must consist of the best of any odd number of games. For schools use 1, 3, 5.or 7 depending on time constraints.
  • Play must be continuous throughout a match except that any player is entitled to claim an interval of not more than 1 minute between successive games.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Most important skill

Cara terbaik adalah dengan praktek. Tujuan utama adalah untuk mencapai banyak hits di atas meja. Simpanlah kemajuan Anda dengan menggunakan Konsistensi Wall Chart. Ini akan membantu Anda untuk memeriksa apakah Anda membaik. Sebagai panduan jika Anda baru memulai Anda harus berusaha untuk 3 hits berturut-turut. target berikutnya Anda dapat 5, kemudian 10 kemudian 50 ... dan sebagainya. Pro dapat memukul bola secara konsisten di atas meja 500 kali tanpa berpikir tentang hal itu. Berapa lama Anda pikir itu akan membawa Anda untuk mencapai semacam sasaran? Tetapkan tujuan diri Anda dan beritahu kami jika Anda tiba di sana ...
Setelah Anda mendapatkan lebih baik Anda mungkin ingin menantang diri sendiri dengan hanya mampu memukul Forehands atau backhand saja. Lihat apakah anda dapat mengatur sendiri beberapa tantangan lainnya.

Tennis Meja Skill Level

Berikut adalah beberapa tingkatan skill dalam tennis meja, smoga bermanfaat

Bronze Level
  1. Get a Grip
  2. How to Serve
  3. Most Important Skills
  4. Table Tennis Rules
  5. Forehand Counterhit
  6. Backhand Counterhit
  7. Ready Position
  8. Footwork Basic
  9. Keeping The Ball Low
  10. Practicing Alone
Silver level
Gold Level


Ada 3 langkah yang Anda harus ingat ketika pertama kali belajar bagaimana untuk serve di Tenis Meja. Menonton video dan cara kerja Anda melalui setiap langkah dan Anda akan serve dalam waktu singkat.

Hit Bounce Bounce 
Langkah pertama adalah mempelajari dasar serve. Hal ini melibatkan memukul bola ke sisi Anda sendiri meja pertama dan kemudian mendapatkan bola untuk melewati net dan mendarat di sisi lawan meja anda. Hal ini sangat membantu untuk berpikir dari frasa "Hit Bounce Bounce" saat pertama kali belajar Tenis Meja Sajikan. Lihatlah video karena akan memberikan gambaran yang jelas tentang bagaimana melaksanakan dasar serve.

Serve Dari Dibalik Garis 
Setelah Anda dapat setve bola melewati net secara konsisten, langkah berikutnya adalah untuk memastikan bahwa Anda serve dari belakang garis dasar meja. Jika Anda serve di depan baris ini maka itu adalah suatu kesalahan dan Anda kehilangan titik. Jadi selalu ingat - di belakang garis.

Throwing The Ball Up 
Jika Anda sudah sejauh ini, Anda sudah hampir menguasai dasar-dasar serve. Hal terakhir untuk berkonsentrasi pada adalah membuang bola di udara sebelum anda menekannya . Ini adalah salah satu aturan serve bahwa Anda harus melemparkan bola ke atas minimal 6 inci (15.25cm). Telapak tangan Anda harus rata dan dengan bola beristirahat di dalamnya. Anda kemudian melemparkan bola ke atas tanpa memberi apapun spin di atasnya (peraturan lain lagi). Ketika Anda melemparkan bola ke atas pastikan untuk menjaga bat Anda juga naik karena hal ini akan memungkinkan Anda untuk memukul serve rendah dengan bagus.

Skill lainnya

Hold Tennis Table Bat

Ada dua cara utama untuk memegang bat. Pegangan shakehand dan cengkeraman penhold. Hampir setiap pemain profesional Tenis Meja akan menggunakan salah satu dari kedua cara tersebut. Dimulai dengan pegangan yang benar akan membuat jauh lebih mudah bila Anda belajar pukulan Anda. Jadi menonton pelajaran dan memastikan Anda menggunakan teknik yang benar untuk menahan bat Anda.
Belajar cara yang benar untuk memegang bat sangat penting. Pegangan yang benar memungkinkan Anda untuk mengembangkan pukulan menggunakan teknik yang benar.

Skill lainnya

Lady Gaga - Wunderland (2010)

01. Super Lover
02. Optimist
03. Dirty Ice Cream
04. Wish You Were Here
05. Something Crazy
06. Here We Go Again
07. Wonderland
08. Rock Show
09. Words
10. Captivated
11. Fountain of Truth
12. Don't Give Up
13. Party Boy (Greatest Another Day) (Bonus Track)

Musik gratis lainnya

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Tipard Balckberry Video Converter 4.1.0

Tipard BlackBerry Video Converter is specially designed Video Converter for a BlackBerry. Along with convert MPEG, MPEG-4, RM, WMV, ASF, TS, MKV, AVI, 3GP, this BlackBerry Video Converter can convert MPV, MOD, TOD, HD video, FLV video to BlackBerry 8800, BlackBerry 8300, BlackBerry 8100 AVI, BlackBerry Storm MP4, AVI, WMV, BlackBerry Bold MP4, MP4, WMV, BlackBerry AVI, 3GP, MP4, WMV format. As BlackBerry Music Converter, it can convert AAC, WAV, MIDI, M4A, MP3, AC3, AAC, WMA, WAV, OGG, AU, Nut, AIFF, FLAC, AMR audio formats and take out the audio from video formats to MP3, AAC, WMA, M4A , WMA, AMR audio.

Using this BlackBerry Video Converter, you can trim your favorite video clip to BlackBerry, crop your video size to suit your BlackBerry, edit video effect(including Deinterlacing function), snapshot your favorite picture in the video, and Resolution, Frame Rate settings according to your preference.

Key Functions:

1. Convert all video and HD videos to BlackBerry
Tipard BlackBerry Video Converter gives you a hand to convert all videos to BlackBerry AVI, 3GP, MP4, WMV, even from the High Definination videos.

2. BlackBerry Music Converter – convert audio or take out audio from videos
Tipard BlackBerry Video Converter makes it easy to convert all popular audio files or extract audio from videos to MP3, AAC, WMA, M4A , WMA, AMR audio.

3. Set video effect
Tipard BlackBerry Video Converter allows you to set the video Brightness, Contrast, Saturation.

4. Set Deinterlacing
Tipard BlackBerry Video Converter helps you to convert interlaced video to the progressive video, this function can optimize the video effect.

5. Trim your video length.
Clip any segment of your video and put them on the BlackBerry perfectly

BlackBerry Ringtone Maker Bigasoft

Bigasoft BlackBerry Ringtone Maker helps you to make ringtones for BlackBerry with ease. The powerful BlackBerry ringtone maker can convert WMA, MP3, APE, WAV, RA, M4A, AVI, MPEG, WMV, DivX, MP4, H.264/AVC, AVCHD, MKV, RM, MOV, XviD, 3GP, and more to BlackBerry ringtones MP3, and transfer ringtones to your BlackBerry smartphone directly after converting.

Key Features:
1. Convert audio files to BlackBerry ringtone MP3
With the powerful BlackBerry ringtone converter, any music file in your music library can be converted to ringtone for BlackBerry due to the support for a wide range of music formats like WMA, MP3, APE, WAV, M4A, and so on.
2. Extract ringtone MP3 from video files
3. Send tone to BlackBerry automatically
It sends custom ringtones to your BlackBerry smartphone for simplification such that you can hear these fantastic tones when your acquaintances call you.
4. Adjust ringer volume
You can boost or lower ringtone volume for hearing BlackBerry ring wherever you are in a noisy environment or in a quiet room.
5. Customize ringtone duration
Just want a part of the music as your own ringtone? Bigasoft BlackBerry Ringtone Maker can graphical display of music files to help you set exact start time and end time of the segment to the hundredth of a second.
6. Listen before transfer
To ensure the music to be converted is exact the one which you want, you can preview the fragment before generating to save your time.
7. Easy to use
Easy Installation and easy usage via graphical user interface.
8. Multi-language support
We provide English, German, French, Spanish, Japanese, Arabic, and Chinese for you to choose.
9. Support all Windows including Windows 7

Software Blackberry gratis lainnya

Cinematize Pro 2.0 (Portable)

Cinematize 2 Pro adalah Ultimate DVD Re-Editing alat yang memungkinkan Anda ekstrak setiap bagian dari DVD, baik itu track audio, video lagu, subjudul, atau sepotong dari menu untuk digunakan kembali dalam proyek-proyek baru DVD. Expand Anda kemungkinan dengan fitur Pro kuat (ditunjukkan dengan Pro bawah ini!) termasuk ekstraksi multi-channel audio, subjudul decoding untuk QuickTime dan gambar, dan kustom konfigurasi output QuickTime. Meningkatkan produktivitas Anda dengan ekstraksi batch segmen dan kemampuan untuk menyimpan pengaturan preset. Nikmati kinerja yang lebih tinggi dengan akselerasi yang ditingkatkan. Cinematize 2 Pro mendukung sistem operasi terbaru.
Fitur:* Ekstrak dari kedua Video Manager dan Judul Video Set menu - Pro!* Extract dari file Video Recording pada cakram DVD-VR - Pro!* Display Start / Stop kali kali Bab-relatif atau Judul-relatif - Pro!* Tampilan secara real time panjang total waktu dari segmen terpilih - Pro!* Batch-ekstrak sejumlah segmen dari kedua menu dan film - Pro!* Review, menambah, atau menghapus segmen dalam daftar batch sebelum ekstraksi - Pro!* Simpan beberapa menu sebagai satu atau beberapa klip - Pro!* Langsung menyimpan keluar adegan film sebagai gambar diam - Pro!* Pilih klip sebagai pendek sebagai beberapa frame dalam sebuah bab atau selama semua bab dalam sebuah film* Pilih setiap titik dalam bab sebagai titik awal dan setiap titik dalam bab yang sama atau berbeda sebagai titik akhir* Video Pilih trek dalam format DVD, PAL atau NTSC, MPEG-1 atau MPEG-2* Pilih track audio dalam format DVD: PCM, AC-3, MPEG, DTS, atau SDDS

Cinematize 2 Pro is the Ultimate DVD RE-Editing tool that lets you extract any piece of a DVD, be it an audio track, a video track, a subtitle, or a piece from a menu for reuse in your new DVD projects. Expand your possibilities with powerful Pro features (indicated with Pro! below) including multi-channel audio extraction, subtitle decoding to QuickTime and images, and custom QuickTime output configuration. Enhance your productivity with batch segment extraction and the ability to save setting presets. Enjoy higher performance with enhanced acceleration. Cinematize 2 Pro supports the latest operating systems.

* Extract from both Video Manager and Video Title Set menus - Pro!
* Extract from Video Recording files on DVD-VR discs - Pro!
* Display Start/Stop times as Chapter-relative or Title-relative times - Pro!
* Display in real time the total time length of a selected segment - Pro!
* Batch-extract any number of segments from both menus and movies - Pro!
* Review, add, or delete segments in the batch list before extraction - Pro!
* Save multiple menus as one or multiple clips - Pro!
* Directly save out movie scenes as still pictures - Pro!
* Select clips as short as a few frames within a chapter or as long as all the chapters in a movie
* Select any point within a chapter as the start point and any point within the same or a different chapter as the end point
* Select video tracks in any DVD format, PAL or NTSC, MPEG-1 or MPEG-2
* Select audio tracks in any DVD format: PCM, AC-3, MPEG, DTS, or SDDS